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What Local Pre-University Programmes Are Offered In Malaysia?

Choosing a pre-university/college program could be daunting for many people, we have compiled a general list of the programs available and their pros and cons as well as some of useful information for SPM leavers to choose their own path on pre-university programme.

1. Foundation

The Foundation Program is a program run by the relevant university (local public and local private) under the Ministry of Higher Education. The foundation program is divided into several specialized majors and takes between one to two years. The syllabus of the foundation program is more specific to the degree program of study aimed at the foundation program.



Students have the opportunity to study subjects specific to the course they wish to take at the degree level at the planned university

It can be difficult to change programmes if you want to pursue a different field

Programs typically take only a year to complete

Limited recognition for overseas degree programs - foreign universities that recognize foundation programs are limited if you wish to continue your studies in another country.

More cost-effective than programs that take up to two years

High chances of entering the intended degree program as long as you meet the entry requirements

Who can apply for Foundation?

  • Malaysian citizen

  • have an SPM qualification or equivalent with at least five credits including Bahasa Melayu and a pass in Sejarah subjects.

How Can I Apply for Foundation?

By registering and filling in the UPU form on the website starting from 1 June to 28 June.

What are the criteria for the UPU Foundation program?

Here are some of the general minimum requirements to get chosen for your desired courses in the Foundation program. However, requirements may vary depending on the merit and courses that you have applied to as well as the choices of universities you wish to further your studies. The selection criteria used by BPKP require that applicants

  • achieved good academic results in the SPM examination and has actively participated in co-curricular activities

  • have a combination of subjects in SPM related to the program applied for

  • have good subject grades for specialization purposes

  • pass an interview for a program of study that requires an interview

  • select programs of study in order of priority

  • The selection of successful candidates is subject to the availability of places at the respective public universities

What are the courses available and universities offering Foundation programme?


Asasi Sains dan Perubatan


Asasi Sains

Asasi TESL#

Asasi Kejuruteraan

Asasi Undang-Undang (KPM)

Asasi Undang-Undang (UiTM)


Asasi STEM


Asasi Sains


Asasi Pintar


Asasi Sains Hayat

Asasi Sains Fizikal

Asasi Pengajian Islam dan Sains

Asasi Pengajian Islam


Asasi Sains Pertanian


Program Asasi Pengurusan


Asasi Sains Hayat

Asasi Sains Fizikal


Asasi Sains Hayat

Asasi Sains Fizikal

Asasi Sains Kesihatan Bersekutu

Asasi Kejururawatan

Asasi Farmasi

Asasi Pergigian

Asasi Perubatan

Asasi Sains Kemanusiaan

Asasi Bahasa Inggeris

Asasi Bahasa Arab

Asasi Bahasa Inggeris Untuk Komunikasi Antarabangsa

Asasi Bahasa Melayu Untuk Komunikasi Antarabangsa

Asasi Bahasa Arab Untuk Komunikasi Antarabangsa

Asasi Ekonomi & Sains Pengurusan

Asasi Perancangan Pelancongan dan Pengurusan Hospitaliti

Asasi Seni Bina dan Reka Bentuk Alam Sekitar

Asasi Kejuruteraan dan Sains Komputer

Asasi Undang-Undang

Asasi Ilmu Pengetahuan Berteraskan Wahyu dan Warisan Islam


Asasi Perubatan

Asasi Pengurusan dan Strategi

Asasi Kejuruteraan dan Teknologi


Tahmidi Perakaunan dan Muamalat

Tahmidi Syariah dan Undang-Undang

Here are some of the top public universities in Malaysia that offer basic programs for students with SPM qualifications for Foundation programs:

The list above only consists of several famous universities in Malaysia, to get a complete view of universities that offers foundation program via UPU, visit here.

2. Matriculation (Matrikulasi)

Matriculation programmes available in Malaysia (Image source: Kolej Matrikulasi Kejuruteraan Johor)

The Matriculation Program began as a result of the decision of the Cabinet Meeting on 10 March 1999 to prepare Bumiputera students who graduated from Sijil Pelajaran Malaysia (SPM) to pursue a first degree at a public university (UA) in science, technology, and professional fields. This program is organized by the Ministry of Education (MoE) and is known as KPM Matriculation Program. From the 2003/2004 session, 10 percent of all KPM Matriculation Program students were offered to non-Bumiputera students.



An allowance of RM1250 is given each semester

Students with average results will be offered unclaimed courses and are said to be “at auction”.

Forced to be independent because you will be living away from home or in a hostel that does not allow you to go home arbitrarily

No freedom. Exit time is limited and some matriculations have this rule where female students can only wear baju kurung during class time including non-Muslims.

Forced to be disciplined because you have to follow campus rules and regulations. Also, you are well protected by guards.

Time is very tight as each subject contains at least 10 chapters and you have to master them all within 4 months and face the exam.

Who can apply for Matriculation?

  • Malaysian Citizen

  • Applicants must not be older than 20 years on 1 January 2022.

How to apply for Matriculation programme?

By registering and filling in the form on the website starting from 1 June to 28 June

What are the criteria for Matriculation programme?

  • Applicants must register for the following subjects in the Sijil Pelajaran Malaysia (SPM) examination in 2021

a. Science Department

Malay, English, History, Mathematics, Mathematics

Additionally, Chemistry and one of the subjects either Physics or


b. Engineering Department

Malay, English, History, Mathematics, Mathematics

Additions, Chemistry, Physics and one (1) of such subjects

the following:

Biology/ Additional Science/ Engineering Drawing/ Engineering Studies

Civil/ Mechanical Engineering Studies/ Engineering Studies

Electrical & Electronics/ Sustainability Basics/ Agriculture/ Home Science/

Design/ Computer Science/ Sports Science/ Engineering Drawing/ Graphics

Technical Communication/ Accounting Principles/ Economics/ Commerce/


c. Accounting Department

Malay, English, History, and Applicant Mathematics as well

need to take any three (3) subjects as follows:

Physics/ Chemistry/ Biology/ Additional Mathematics/ Science/ Additional Science/

Engineering Drawing/ Fundamentals of Sustainability/ Agriculture/ Home Science

Stairs/ Design/ Computer Science/ Sports Science/ Drawing

Engineering/ Graphics Technical Communication/ Accounting Principles/ Economics/

Trade/ Business/ Islamic Shariah Education/ Tasawwur

Islam/ Civil Engineering Studies/ Mechanical Engineering Studies/

Electrical & Electronics Engineering Studies

d. Department of Professional Accounting

Malay, English, History, Mathematics and Mathematics

Extra. Applicants must also take any two (2) points

lessons as follows:

Physics/ Chemistry/ Biology/ Science/ Additional Science/ Engineering Drawing/

Fundamentals of Sustainability/ Agriculture/ Home Science/ Invention/ Science

Computers/ Sports Science/ Graphics Technical Communication/ Principles

Accounting/ Economics/ Commerce/ Business/ Shariah Education

Islamiah/ Tasawwur Islam/ Civil Engineering Studies/ Studies

Mechanical Engineering/ Electrical & Electronic Engineering Studies

For more information on the list of programs offered and minimum requirement visit here

What are the courses available and matriculation college in Malaysia?

List of courses offered via matriculation programme:

1. Jurusan Sains:

a) Sains Hayat

b) Sains Fizikal

c) Sains Komputer

2. Jurusan Kejuruteraan:

a) Asas Kejuruteraan

b) Kejuruteraan Awam

c) Kejuruteraan Elektrik & Elektronik

d) Kejuruteraan Mekanikal

3. Jurusan Perakaunan

4. Jurusan Perakaunan Profesional

List of matriculation college in Malaysia

1.Kolej Matrikulasi Melaka Kementerian Pendidikan Malaysia, 78300 Masjid Tanah, Melaka.

2.Kolej Matrikulasi Negeri Sembilan Kementerian Pendidikan Malaysia, 72000 Kuala Pilah, Negeri Sembilan.

3. Kolej Matrikulasi Pulau Pinang Kementerian Pendidikan Malaysia, 13200 Kepala Batas, Pulau Pinang.

4.Kolej Matrikulasi Perlis Kementerian Pendidikan Malaysia, 02600 Arau, Perlis. Kolej Matrikulasi Labuan Kementerian Pendidikan Malaysia, Jalan OKK Daud, Merinding, Peti Surat 81735, 87027 Wilayah Persekutuan Labuan.

5. Kolej Matrikulasi Johor Kementerian Pendidikan Malaysia, Jalan Payamas, 84900 Tangkak, Ledang, Johor.

6. Kolej Matrikulasi Perak Kementerian Pendidikan Malaysia, 31600 Gopeng, Perak. Kolej Matrikulasi Kedah Kementerian Pendidikan Malaysia, 06010 Changlun, Kedah.

7.Kolej Matrikulasi Pahang Kementerian Pendidikan Malaysia, 26300 Gambang, Pahang. 8.Kolej Matrikulasi Kejuruteraan Kedah Kementerian Pendidikan Malaysia, Pokok Tai, 06720 Pendang, Kedah

Take note !

Science majors are offered at all KPM matriculation colleges except at the Engineering Matriculation College and the MARA Kuala Nerang College.

· Engineering majors are only offered at:

Kedah Engineering Matriculation College

Pahang Engineering Matriculation College

Johor Engineering Matriculation College

· Accounting majors are offered at all KPM matriculation colleges except:

College of Engineering Matriculation,

Sarawak Matriculation College

MARA Kulim College.

· Professional Accounting Department is only offered at Selangor Matriculation College

3. Diploma

Diplomas in IPTA/UA can be categorized into several types of studies, namely Skills (Kemahiran), Higher Education (Pengajian Tinggi), Vocational (Vokasional), and Technical (Teknikal). Usually, those who choose to continue their studies at the diploma level are those who are sure of the future direction and the job they want to be involved in and want to continue working towards achieving their goals. The diploma is also very suitable for those who like a balance between theory and practice in learning because the emphasized syllabus of studies touches on both of those aspects.



Graduates of the diploma program will gain work experience that is indeed demanded by employers as one of the main conditions when selecting employees

The diploma program usually takes a long time - three years.

Graduates of diploma programs are more easily offered jobs compared to other routes that rely solely on academic certificate qualifications but no experience

The salary scale earned with a diploma is not commensurate with the work done compared to if you had a degree qualification.

Graduates of the diploma program can use the diploma certificate to apply for jobs

Who can apply for Diploma?

  • Malaysian citizen

  • have an SPM qualification or equivalent with at least five credits including Bahasa Melayu and a pass in Sejarah subjects.

How to apply for Diploma programme?

By registering and filling in the UPU form on the website starting from 1 June to 28 June.

What are the courses available and universities offering Diploma programme?


Diploma Sains

Diploma Sains (Mathematics)

Diploma Teknologi Makmal

Diploma Sains Sukan Dan Kejurulatihan

Diploma Muzik

Diploma Tari

Diploma Teater

Diploma Bahasa Inggeris

Diploma Reka Bentuk Dan Pembangunan Permainan

Diploma Keusahawanan

Diploma Pendidikan Awal Kanak-Kanak

Diploma Sains Komputer (Komputeran Internet)


Diploma Sains Gunaan

Diploma Kejuruteraan Awam

Diploma Kejuruteraan Elektrik

Diploma Kejuruteraan Mekanikal

Diploma Teknologi Maklumat

Diploma Teknologi Kejuruteraan Kimia


Diploma Kejuruteraan Elektrik

Diploma Kejuruteraan Elektronik

Diploma Kejuruteraan Mekanikal

Diploma Kejuruteraan Pembuatan

Diploma Kejuruteraan Teknologi Maklumat & Komunikasi


Diploma Sains Kejururawatan

Diploma Radiografi

Diploma Teknologi Makmal Perubatan

Diploma Fisioterapi

Diploma Pengajaran Bahasa Inggeris Sebagai Bahasa Kedua (TESL)

Diploma Perakaunan

Diploma Pengajian Bank

Diploma Pengajian Insurans

Diploma Kewangan

Diploma Pemasaran

Diploma Perdagangan Antarabangsa

Diploma Pengurusan Sumber Manusia

Diploma Reka Bentuk Perindustrian

Diploma Teknologi Pembuatan

Diploma Undang-Undang

Diploma Pengajian Islam (Syariah)

Diploma Pengajian Islam (Usuluddin)

Diploma Pengajian Islam (Bahasa& Kesusasteraan Arab)

Diploma Pengajian Islam (Dakwah)

Diploma Pengajian Islam (Al-Quran Dan As-Sunnah)

Diploma Pengajian Islam (Pentadbiran Islam)

Diploma Pengajian Islam (Sejarah & Tamadun Islam)

Diploma Pengajian Islam dengan Teknologi Maklumat

Diploma Teknologi Maklumat

Diplomat Teknologi Maklumat (Multimedia)\


Diploma Sains

Diploma Teknologi Makanan

Diploma Akuakultur

Diploma Kejururawatan

Diploma Teknologi Makmal Perubatan

Diploma Pemulihan Carakerja

Diploma Fisioterapi

Diploma Kesihatan Persekitaran

Diploma Pengimejan Perubatan\

Diploma Teknologi Tekstil

Diploma Industri Perkayuan

Diploma Kimia Perindustrian

Diploma Mikrobiologi

Diploma Teknologi Polymer

Diploma Pengurusan Ladang

Diploma Pengeluaran Herba

Diploma Farmasi

Diploma Seni Lukis Dan Seni Reka

Diploma Seni Muzik

Diploma Animasi

Diploma Teater

Diploma Filem

Diploma Penulisan Seni

Diploma Penulisan Skrip

Diploma Komunikasi Dan Media

Diploma Komunikasi Media Baru dan Keusahawanan Kandungan

Diploma Bahasa Inggeris Komunikasi Profesional

Diploma Pengurusan Maklumat

Diploma Perakaunan

Diploma Sistem Maklumat Perakaunan

Diploma Pengajian Perniagaan

Diploma Pengajian Perbankan

Diploma Pengajian Perniagaan (Insuran)

Diploma Analisis Pelaburan

Diploma Pengajian Perniagaan (Pengangkutan)

Diploma Muamalat

Diploma Pentadbiran Awam

Diploma Pentadbiran Korporat

Diploma Pengurusan Hotel

Diploma Pengurusan Pelancongan

Diploma Seni Kulinari

Diploma Pengurusan Perkhidmatan Makanan

Diploma Pengurusan Halal

Diploma Seni Pastri

Diploma Pengurusan Teknologi Pejabat

Diploma Pengajian Sukan

Diploma Pengurusan Sukan dan Rekreasi

Diploma Pengurusan Perpustakaan

Diploma Seni Bina Landskap

Diploma Ukur Bangunan

Diploma Reka Bentuk Dalaman

Diploma Bangunan

Diploma Pengurusan Hartanah

Diploma Ukur Bahan

Diploma Perancangan Bandar & Wilayah

Diploma Sains Geomatik

Diploma Kejuruteraan Awam

Diploma Kejuruteraan Elektrik (Kuasa)

Diploma Kejuruteraan Elektrik (Elektronik)

Diploma Kejuruteraan Mekanikal

Diploma Kejuruteraan Kimia

Diploma Industri Higien Dan Teknologi Keselamatan

Diploma Sains Komputer

Diploma Sains Matematik

Diploma Sains Aktuari

Diploma Statistik


Diploma Perikanan


Diploma Kejuruteraan Proses (Operasi Minyak dan Gas)


Diploma Kejuruteraan Awam

Diplomas Kejuruteraan Elektrik (Elektronik Industri)

Diploma Kejuruteraan Mekanikal

Diploma Kejuruteraan Kimia

Diploma Sains Komputer


Diploma Pertanian (Kampus Bintulu,Sarawak)

Diploma Perikanan (Kampus Bintulu,Sarawak)

Diploma Perhutanan (Kampus Bintulu,Sarawak)

Diploma Kesihatan Haiwan dan Perternakan

Diploma Pengurusan Perladangan Makanan

Diploma Perniagaan Tani

Diploma Kejuruteraan Pertanian


Diploma Kejuruteraan (Kejuruteraan Komputer)

Diploma Kejuruteraan (Kejuruteraan Elektrik)

Diploma Kejuruteraan (Kejuruteraan Mekatronik)

Diploma Kejuruteraan (Kejuruteraan Mikroelektronik)

Diploma Kejuruteraan (Kejuruteraan Pembuatan)


Diploma Kejuruteraan (Kejuruteraan Metalurgi)

Diploma Ketangkasan dan Pertahanan

Diploma Pentadbiran Perniagaan

Diploma Pengurusan Logistik

The above information is subject to public universities in Malaysia that offer diploma programs, to refer to polytechnic institutes, students can refer to the website here.


List of STPM Subjects (Image source:

Malaysian Higher School Certificate (STPM) is conducted by the Malaysian Examinations Council (MPM) in contrast to other public examinations conducted by the Examination Board (LP). STPM is also recognized by several universities internationally, especially universities in the Commonwealth countries and also in the United States, Ireland, and Australia. Most universities consider STPM results to be equivalent to A-level. Candidates who take STPM are better known as Form Six students.



Study structure that includes skills (soft skills) as well as academics

If a student fails even in one of the subjects, they have to repeat the STPM syllabus

The STPM certificate obtained can be used to apply for employment in the public sector or the private sector. If the public sector the starting grade can be up to N29.

Re-use SPM qualifications to apply for further studies starting from the certificate or diploma level

STPM is extremely affordable,infact it is one of the cheapest route to tertiary education,since you will need to pay less than RM1000 for the entire course.

If the subject “General Studies” fails, it means failing STPM even if the other subject gets a CGPA of 4.00

Who can apply for STPM?

General requirement

  • Student who wish to apply must pass the SPM examination with at least credit for the subject of Bahasa Melayu

  • Aged between 17 years to 20 years on January 1 of 2022

Special requirement

  • candidates wishing to continue in STEM field, candidates must obtain at least THREE credits with a total grade point not exceeding 18 units for three subjects in the prescribed group.

  • For candidates who wish to continue in the field of social sciences in Government Secondary School, the candidate must obtain at least THREE credits with a total grade point not exceeding 12 units for three subjects in the prescribed group.

  • For candidates who want to continue in the field of social sciences at Sekolah Menengah Agama, namely at Sekolah Menengah Kebangsaan Agama (SMKA) and Sekolah Menengah Agama Bantuan Kerajaan (SABK), candidates must obtain at least Grade D for Arabic or Al-Lughah. Al-Arabiah Al-Mu'asirah or Turath Arabic and also need to get at least THREE credits with a total grade point not exceeding 14 units for 3 subjects in the prescribed group.

  • For candidates who wish to continue in the field of social sciences at Sekolah Menengah Agama, namely at Sekolah Berasrama Penuh for Kolej Islam Sultan Alam Shah (KISAS) and Sekolah Menengah Agama Persekutuan (SMAP) Labu, candidates must obtain at least Grade C in Arabic. or Al-Lughah Al-Arabiah Al-Mu'asirah or Turath Arabic and also need to get at least THREE credits with a total grade point not exceeding 14 units for 3 subjects in the prescribed group.

How to apply for STPM?

There is no application process to study STPM.

Generally, you will have no problem securing a place in Form Six (if you did not get Matrikulasi) when you meet these minimum requirements in SPM:

· Compulsory credit in Malay Language and pass in History, and

· For Science stream – Total grade values of best three subjects (to be safe, your three Science subjects) do not exceed 18 units, or

· For Arts stream – Total grade values of best three subjects do not exceed 12 units

If you have achieved the above results, you will be offered a place to take STPM. You can check if you have been offered a place and accept this offer online through the Ministry of Education’s website. For students who did not get a place in Form Six, you can go to the State Education Department (JPN) office to submit an appeal.

Do remember to print out your offer letter and bring it along with you on registration day at school.

  • For STPM studies, students who are interested in taking it do not need to apply

  • On the other hand, students only need to wait for the offer letter from the kpm (if they meet the minimum requirements) 2-4 weeks after the SPM results are announced.

What are the courses available and educational institutes offering STPM?

Courses Available

STPM programmes offer two streams – Science and Arts. Students can enrol for the examination with a minimum of one subject and a maximum of five subjects (including General Studies)

Language and Literature

General Studies (compulsory)

Malay Language

Chinese Language

Tamil Language

Arabic Language

Literature in English

Communicative Malay Literature

Social Sciences and Religion

Sharia (Islamic Law)

Usuluddin (Islamic Studies)




Business Studies


Science and Mathematics

Mathematics M (Management)- May not be taken with Mathematics T.

Mathematics T (Technology)-May not be taken with Mathematics M.

Information And Communications Technology (ICT)




Sports Science

Educational Institutes Offering STPM

Here are some of the list of educational insititues offering STPM

Government Secondary School

SBP(Sekolah Berasrama Penuh)

  • Kolej Islam Sultan Alam Shah (KISAS)

  • Sekolah Menengah Agama Persekutuan Labu (SMAP Labu)

  • Kolej Tingkatan Enam (KTE)

for more info about the educational institutes offering STPM visit here


Malaysian Higher Religious Certificate (STAM) is a certificate issued by the Ministry of Education Malaysia through the Examination Board in collaboration with Al-Azhar Al-Syarif, Cairo, Arab Republic of Egypt starting in 2000. STAM certificate was also introduced to assist Malaysian students who wish to continue their studies at Al Azhar University, Egypt, or any equivalent institution. STAM candidates are usually known as Form Six students.



STAM certificate is equivalent to certificates such as STPM and Diploma

Most and practically all STAM subjects require high memory skills

Tuition fees for students who sit for the STAM examination are usually cheaper than other streams

If a student fails 1 subject, the student is considered to have failed all even if the other subject has high marks

Students have the opportunity to pursue a bachelor's degree in and outside the country, especially in Arab countries

Passing marks for all subjects are 40 and above

Who can apply for STAM?

  • SPM leavers

  • Aged between 17 years to 20 years on January 1 of 2022

  • Pass interview for the selected school

  • Pass tafsiyah exam during tahmidi interview

How to apply for STAM?

  • Students who are interested in continuing their STAM studies, can apply at the school that offers it

  • You do not have to wait for the SPM results to be issued to connect to STAM application because the STAM application uses the results of religious certificate examinations such as SMA, SKK and others according to their respective states

  • Application can be done about 2-3 months after the end of the SPM examination

For more information about STAM registration join here

What are the courses available and educational institutes offering STAM?

Courses available

For STAM students,they are compulsory of taking 10 subjects,STAM only have one courses pathway,therefore all of STAM student are required of taking 10 subjects.

  • Adab Nusus

  • Insyak Mutolaah

  • Hadis Mustolah

  • Arudh Wal qofiah

  • Tafsir Dan Ulum

  • Hifz Wal Al Quran

  • Balaghah

  • Nahu and Sorof

  • Mantik and Tauhid

  • Ilmu Fiqh

Educational Institutes offering STAM

Here are some of the educational institutes offering STAM includes :

  • Government Islamic Secondary School (SMKA,SABK)

  • Maahad Tahfiz (Tahfiz School)

Sekolah Berasrama Penuh :

  • Kolej Islam Sultan Alam Shah (KISAS)

  • Sekolah Agama Persekutuan Labu (SMAP Labu)

However do take notes that STAM educational insititutes are subjected to your respective State Government

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