Planning for your life after high school, but still unsure about what to major in? Here are some tips to guide you along your journey.
1. Personality and Career Tests

If you are unsure about what your strengths are or which career pathways are most suitable for you, why not check out some of these tests on the Internet?
Also known as the RIASEC test, this test is based on the Holland codes, which refers to a taxonomy of interests based on a theory of careers and vocational choice that was initially developed by American psychologist John L. Holland. Once you’ve received your results, you can head to this website for a list of occupations based on your Holland Code combination.
Highly recommended by Reddit users*, this test just takes 30 minutes, and the free version provides you with up to 200 career and degree matches based on your personality archetype.
2. Ask your friends or family members

Perhaps you have an idea of what industry you might want to venture in, or who knows, maybe you have no clue at all! Try asking the people around you for advice, as they might have previous experiences or life stories to share with you. It never hurts to ask questions.
3. Ask strangers

Now, of course, we don’t mean knocking on company doors and interviewing them about their education and career. There are plenty of forums and discussion threads online where people all around the world share their stories and life journey. You might be able to find your answers on one of these sites down below.